Wednesday, June 10, 2009

End of day one

Diner Lite is not as bad as some have said. This is the limited menu, reduced staffing, plastic plate service in the "new" diner/lounge cars. Existing diners were reconfigured with a diner area and a lounge area with the idea of eliminating one car on a train. On the Eagle they still have the lounge car and the supposed lounge area of the diner is used to serve meals. I suppose this is a sign of flexibility. The menu is somewhat limited. For instance on the lunch menu there was no chicken dish offered unless you wanted to add grilled chicken to a spinach salad. Dinner had about four choices but my trout was very good. All the food is served on hard plastic plates that are then discarded. Lunch is eaten with plastic utensils but dinner rates stainless. There is no dishwasher on board so dinner utensils are carefully conserved by the service staff. "Save your fork for dessert" we were told, "we don't have extras." We are coming into Little Rock and I expect good 3G service to send this post. After that I'm going to bed and hope to get up early enough in the morning to eat breakfast then check out the new station in St. Louis.