Friday, June 12, 2009

St. Paul on time

We arrived in St. Paul right on time though we had been running about 15 minutes late. The Portland sleeper is now the last car on the train as Minnesota Commercial Railroad came in right behind us and pulled off the coach that is Chicago to St. Paul only. That will give me a chance to shoot pictures out the back window tomorrow.

As we rolled through the western part of Wisconsin we were treated to a fine sunset. The clouds had been hanging low all day but as we approached the western edge of the clouds the sun dropped below them and shown on the bottom of the cloud layer. At that point we were headed almost due north so I got a great view of the sunset out the left side of the train. Then I looked out the east side and was treated to a full double rainbow. In the summer time this is really beautiful country.

Leaving St. Paul on time.

Moving again

The Empire Builder of 12 June 2009 was not late into Milwaukee and we left the station on-time. Got my GPS hooked to my computer map and my air card hooked to the internet and my railroad scanner tuned to the current channel and I'm ready to go. From listening to the scanner, it sounds like we may have both a female engineer and a female conductor. The car attendant, O. C., figured if he wanted to know what was happening to the train he'd come check with me.

I had a nice visit in Milwaukee. Everything was on foot so my range was liited. Down on the lake front I saw a tour being conducted on Segways. Now that would be fun. They have some well preserved old buildings here, very unusual architecture in some of them and some very modern stuff, the Art Museum on the lake front is quite distinctive. I think I would like to come back here sometime and explore a bit more, just not in the winter time.