Still running late this morning but perhaps not too late to make my connection in DC. Conductor thinks we will be there at 11:20. I will now move from the luxury of a compartment to the confines a coach seat for the next 6 hours. Hope they have an outlet to plug my laptop into.
Hooray, made the connection with no problem. Even had time to drop my luggage in the first class lounge and do some shopping in the Union Station Mall. Train 176 left Washington, DC on-time and I have passed through the large cities of Baltimore and Philadelphia with the next big city being New York City. We just pulled out of Trenton, NJ, right on time. We arrive in New Haven, CT at 5:06 and I switch to a shuttle that takes me to Hartford, CT arriving at 5:58. With any luck I will have a ride waiting for me but I might take a cab to the hotel in Farmington, CT where the convention is being held.Arrived New York City at 3:20 about 2 minutes late. Cell phone and EDGE data network seem to function fine in the depths of the underground station but not in the tunnel approches. Every seat on the train seems to have a 110 electrical outlet available. Wish they did that on all their trains. Bunch of people got off in NYC but even more got on. May have to give up the other half of my double seat. Left station at 3:31, one minute late. Lady just walked by my seat who absolutely could not walk down the aisle without turning sideways because of her hips. She also had fingernails that were about 6 in. long. Whoa!
Arrived in New Haven on time. Transfered to train 476 for the trip to Hartford along with a large number of other folks. Ended up with an aisle seat facing backwards. Didn't have time to play with any of my toys. Arrived at Hartford a few minutes late after a passenger failed to get off at an earlier station and they had to stop twice. My ride to the hotel was waiting so we stopped for dinner and I treated.