Well, started the day without my electric razor. In thinking about it, I believe I lost it on the platform in DC. I heard a noise and noticed an open zipper on my bag but looking back down the platform I saw nothing so I zipped up the bag and went on. Fortunately I have a spare. Originally sold by WalMart for $3.95, I bought a bunch of Shaveman razors for $1.00 each on close out. They run on AA batteries and the two batteries were worth a dollar. It's not much of a razor but it will do until I get to the store to buy a replacement.Went to the Mall for lunch and while there visited the Apple Store to buy a copy of the just released iWork and iLife. Several new features but in particular a spreadsheet for iWork. I would guess that that was the only store in the mall that was identified only by it's logo.
On getting back to the hotel and starting to load the new software I was somewhat disappointed to learn that the brand new, super duper iMovie requires a G5 or Intel machine to run. Guess that gives me another reason to buy a new laptop.
Registration for the convention is at 1 pm today but until the 7 pm reception, there is nothing else scheduled. Had a nice nap. Presentation at the convention turned out to be a long, loud description of the development of the New Haven Railroad logo back in the 50's. I left until it was over. Desert afterward was good and stayed in Kim Saign's room until midnight watching him sell trains.